Wednesday, April 28, 2010

i got my first email from mercy hills church today!

(and it's oh so relevant.)

How do you view your future?
We always have a picture of our future -- of today, this coming week, or even months and years ahead.

But because of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, and as we are connected to Him with heart-felt trust -- here's what's true for our futures:

  • God orchestrating every detail of your life to bring you the joy of displaying Jesus' glory (Rom 8:28).
  • Jesus always being with you (Mat 29:18-20).
  • Jesus helping you become a fisher of men (Mar 1:17).
  • God supplying all your needs (Phil 4:19).
  • God giving you all the wisdom you need (Jam 1:5).
  • God rejoicing to do you good with all His heart and soul (Jer 32:40-41).
  • God not letting you stumble (Jude 24-25).
  • God never stopping the good work He started in you (Phil 1:6).
  • God giving you all the strength you need (Phil 4:13).
  • God giving you all the grace you need for everything he calls you to do (2Co 8:9).
  • God welcoming you into His presence blameless because of Jesus (Jud 24-25)
  • Jesus saying "well done, good and faithful servant; enter into the joy of the Lord" (Mat 25:21)
  • You worshiping Jesus with men and women from every nation, tongue, and tribe (Rev 7:9-11).

May these promises cause us to abound in hope by the power of the Spirit, resist sin with all our might, love our brothers and sisters in Christ, and advance the Gospel today.

Pastor Steve

1 comment:

  1. YEEEESSSSSS! SO good Jen!
    So when are you moving out?
