Monday, June 28, 2010

verse of the day via ben

This is verse of the day!

I was reading the autobiography of George Muller, a rad christian guy from Germany in the early 1800's, when this comment stopped me in my tracks:

"I was growing in the faith and knowledge of Jesus, but I still preferred reading religious books instead of the Scriptures. I read tracts, missionary newsletters, sermons, and biographies of Christian people. God is the author of the Bible, and only the truth it contains will lead people to true happiness. A Christian should read this precious Book everyday with earnest prayer and meditation. But like many believers, I preferred to read the works of uninspired men rather than the oracles of the living God. Consequently I remained a spiritual baby both in knowledge and grace."

This has been so convicting to me, and especially that day. I started reading his book because the thought of reading what he had to say was cooler than reading the bible, but in the end he pointed me away from himself and back into the word of God.

Psalm 119:130
The unfolding of your words gives light;
it imparts understanding to the simple.
I open my mouth and pant,
because I long for your commandments.

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