Tuesday, June 29, 2010

verse of the day via ben/my thoughts

1 Corinthians 1:26-29
Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.

1. God likes to choose people who are not influential, noble, wise, or strong by this world's standards. Why?
2. God loves to use our weakness to do his work, so that it shows his strength and not ours!
3. He uses our weakness so that we can't boast about our own abilities or talents.
4. He wants us to boast completely in him, and find every aspect of joy and happiness in life in him.
5. How amazing that he has called us!

A while ago I was really unhappy about my particular weaknesses and angry that I had them. I have them so God can use them? I have these horrible, painful, annoying, nagging weaknesses so He can use them? Let's hope that's why one of the shyest girls in the class is now the teacher.

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