Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Honduran Lesson Planning Evening.

1. Dinner was sliced pear, apple, honey and fresh mint. One bc it's delicious and two bc i ate a fried chicken sandwich with orange mayo and tortilla chips ON IT . Never again. It was a lemming thing.
2. Two cups of green tea in ridiculous mugs. "Be Happy" and "Pooh" It took me two tries to find a satisfactory honduran green tea and I will be bring back mugs after Christmas. Or feel free to send me one.
3. Citronella candle
4. Mosquitos
5. The tiny corner of my planning book
6. What's so Amazing About Grace by Philip Yancey
7. And my computer. Which means oodles of lesson plans, tiny bits of fb and only like 4 blog reads today.
8. Oh and my view of tinkling lights city lights and a highway of cars in the distance. I wish you could see them but photobooth wont cut it.

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