Friday, October 22, 2010

this and then that

i saw this first photo at you are my fave. and i like it bc i love flowers, esp flowers in hair, esp jasmine in hair. and the photo came from this here (size to small) who is my new friend crush.
where i got the pictures of lauren moffatt's spring collection. i kinda hate it when people drop names like you are suppose to know who they are...just like i did but ihave no idea who this designer is.

can i just admit that i am shallow and desperate want to wear platforms with socks. PLEASE??!!?!!? Oh wait. i live in honduras and teach 4th grade. no. not a good idea. grr. i might wear heels with socks one day and i'm sure ill get 298 weird looks and feel a tad bit unprofessional the whole day. maybe if i wear my blazer i they will counter act each other. i kinda miss living somewhere where i can wear whatever. maybe i need to live in new york. i have never had that thought in my life. i miss being around creative things.

lately i am over all the work that teachers have to do. and the stress. and i think well maybe i should do something creative with my life. my only creative outlet would be this. and i have neglected it since i got here bc i am too busy with weekly notas para padres and making stupid flipcharts. i love my kids, i do. but the amount of work is utterly ridiculous. i get so bogged down with the stress that i can barely have a conversation with them. or look at a couple of my favorite blogs a day without feeling guilty.

platforms with socks
oxfords with socks...not even taht much of a stretch but i haven't done it bc i live in honduras. i will. i will.
farmers market with fresh produce and fresh flowers.
my bike
riding my bike in the evening alone without the fear of DEATH. (im being super dramatic i know.)

fulfilled wish: i have my own class. 20 fourth graders. i want my life to help people. the creative route doesn't really seem to do that. so asdfadsf.

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